
Let your voice be heard at our conferences and beyond. If you have a success story, 警示, 创新或POV共享, submit to be a speaker at one or more ISACA conferences around the world.

megaphone - Open Call For Speakers

事件 With Open Calls For Speakers

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dots leading to speaker at podium - ISACA 邀请演讲者 Process

ISACA 邀请演讲者 Process

(请注意:以下信息仅针对ISACA全球层面的教育活动. Local ISACA chapter events are not subject to this procedure. 有关当地教育活动的更多信息,请联系您当地的ISACA分会.)

ISACA为其在ISACA全球层面举办的每一项教育活动都发布了一个特定的演讲邀请, as well as a general call not related to a specific event. Speakers may submit up to three (3) abstracts per conference.

Each 邀请演讲者 clearly identifies:

  • 目标受众
  • 学习目标
  • Education delivery methods
  • 事件结构
  • 可能的主题

ISACA的主题专家确定了邀请演讲者的要素(如上所列), 然后审查提案, 检查演讲者, and make final topic and speaker selections. 我们的会议团队和主题专家在整个会议发展过程中与选定的演讲者合作,以确保符合既定目标并避免明显的商业化.


Learning Objectives and Education Mission

Learning Objectives and Education Mission

继续专业教育最好在鼓励对话的环境中完成, 讨论与辩论, both formally within the sessions and informally.

ISACA寻求创新的会议建议,而不仅仅是讨论技术问题, 还要提供背景. Speakers should offer real-world examples, “战争故事”, 案例研究, 成功与失败, 使用的实际工具和工作文件示例(包括适当时映射到ISACA框架), and insights on emerging issues. 会议的设计应包括小组讨论,鼓励听众互动参与, exercises and other activities to interject energy and promote dialogue. ISACA寻求的不是讲座,而是创新和激动人心的会议. ISACA希望拟议课程的学习目标能够反映学员在参加课程后可以运用的行动和能力. The learning objectives must be clear and measurable. 学习目标需要完成以下句子:“完成本课程后, the participant will be able to…”.

The speaker must provide additional resources such as bibliographies, 白皮书, 相关的文章, 工具, 指南, 示例程序和其他信息,将学习扩展到会话之外,并为事件增加价值. 包括额外资源在内的演示材料须经过主题专家的质量审查,并必须在活动前约10周准备好最终形式. 请慎重考虑, 如果被选为演讲者, whether you would be able to comply with the deadline.

Industry-specific sessions are welcome to make guidance more specific. 也鼓励来自团队或小组的提案,以便就一个主题分享多个观点. Speakers are expected to have read and be familiar with portions of COBIT 5, 网络安全Nexus (CSX), and other ISACA thought leadership that are relevant to their presentations. Speakers should consider how presentation content supports CISA, CISM, CGEIT and CRISC knowledge objectives.

Illustration representing one person with a checkmark above them


Proposals are reviewed by ISACA’s subject matter experts. 在这个过程中,我们审查潜在的演讲者,而不是演讲者的公司或组织. ISACA希望演讲者能够履行其承诺,在主题活动上介绍拟议的会议.

The proposals are evaluated in whole or in part on the following criteria:

  • 主题是前沿的或呈现新的想法,以创造性和引人入胜的方式呈现
  • Topic is timely for the industry today and will attract attendees
  • Abstract and title of the session demonstrate the intent concisely
  • 学习目标和学习水平是明确的,是相互支持的
  • 与会者将能够与内容联系起来,并将他们所学到的知识应用到他们的角色中
  • 技术的准确性
  • 问题的背景,包括现实世界的案例研究、例子和故事
  • Potential for audience interactive participation
  • Speaker presentation skills and experience
  • Speaker is knowledgeable, engaging and experienced on the topic submitted
  • Speaker industry leadership
  • Education focus devoid of overt and covert commercialism
  • Overall quality of the written proposal
  • 内容为与会者提供了一个思想领导的视角
Hand holding plus signs - Additional Benefits


An international professional organization with more than 159,000 constituents in more than 180 countries, ISACA is a leading provider of knowledge, 认证, 澳门赌场官方下载, advocacy and education on information systems assurance and security, enterprise governance of IT, and IT-related risk and compliance. ISACA education is recognized throughout the industry. 与ISACA教育活动相关的演讲者同样被公认为行业领袖和主题专家.

  • 所有被选中的演讲者都将获得免费的活动注册(不包括可选研讨会)。.
  • 演讲者在ISACA国际社会中获得更高的知名度.
  • 演讲者及其公司和组织被包括在通过纸质小册子和其他营销材料发送给区域和国际选民的宣传信息中, ISACA网站, press releases and other publicity outlets.
  • 演讲者有机会在整个活动中特别设计的时间点与同行和其他专业人士建立联系.
  • Speakers can prove their value, 专业知识, 以有效的方式提出相关和及时的主题,具备知识和敏锐度, often leading to business development.


每场会议的前五名(5名)演讲者的平均得分为4分.75或以上, 将获得ISACA对其成就的特别正式认可,并将被命名为 最受欢迎的演讲者 on the Conference web page at the conclusion of the Conference. 该分数将根据移动应用会话调查中与演讲者和演示相关的问题的平均分计算. 至少有百分之二十(20%)的与会者必须回应会议的调查才能获得资格. 进一步, 会议评价最高的发言者可能会被邀请再次在未来的ISACA会议上发言.

money inside a circular arrow representing reimbursement

Speaker Expense Reimbursement

ISACA is a not-for-profit organization serving the IT assurance, information security management and IT governance communities. 大多数演讲者和他们的公司都认识到参与ISACA教育活动的重要性,并通过资助旅行和住宿来澳门赌场官方下载慈善精神. ISACA教育活动为演讲者提供了展示其专业知识的机会, 知识与经验, as well as to network with constituents for business development purposes. In appreciation for all the hard work and effort, ISACA为每届会议的演讲者提供一(1)个免费注册. 免费注册不可转让,也不能作为学分使用. (Registration for the pre- and post-workshops are not included) If multiple speakers are presenting, 如果在演讲者协议中规定的截止日期前提交演讲材料,ISACA将提供一(1)个额外的免费会议注册. 除了, ISACA在分发给代表们的会议文献中承认发言者及其公司为“会议支持者”.